Air compressor AK-150SV
The AK-150SV air compressor is designed to compress air used to service various pneumatic devices.
- Compressor type: three-stage, two-cylinder
- Operating pressure created by the compressor, kg/cm2 - 150
- Compressor performance at 2000 ± 50 crankshaft rpm with air intake from the atmosphere (reduced to 1 atmosphere), m3/hour - 2.4
- Filling an 8-liter cylinder up to 150 kg/cm2, min, no more than - 30
- Raising pressure in a 30-liter cylinder (pumping) from 120 kg/cm2 to 150 kg/cm2, min, no more than - 30
- Compressor drive - from engine
- Power consumption, hp - 3.5
- Technical warranty period, hours - 600
- Compressor dry weight, kg - 5.8
Compressor size:
- 1st stage cylinder diameter, mm - 46
- cylinder diameter of stage II differential, mm - 46/40
- III stage cylinder diameter differential, mm - 38/35
Compressor crankshaft speed:
- at minimum mode, rpm 1500 – 50
- II stage cylinder diameter differential, mm 1700 + 50
- III stage cylinder diameter differential, mm 2100 + 50