Gasoline centrifugal pump (BCN-1, BCN-2) is a centrifugal pump used in the fuel system of tracked and other vehicles and other equipment (for example: BMP-1,2, transporters and all-terrain vehicles). Designed to ensure operation of a multi-fuel diesel engine running on light fuel (gasoline).
When a diesel engine is running, fuel is supplied through pipelines from the fuel tanks to the high-pressure fuel pump (HPFP) due to the vacuum at the HPFP inlet. While this does not pose a problem when operating on diesel fuel, when operating on easily evaporated gasoline, vapor bubbles are formed due to vacuum, which have a negative impact on the normal operation of the fuel injection pump and the engine. To prevent the formation of gasoline vapors at the injection pump inlet, a pump BCN-1 or BCN-2 was introduced, which creates a back-up of gasoline at the inlet of the injection pump, thereby eliminating vaporization. Fuel pumping with the BCN pump begins a minute before starting the engine, and if the diesel engine runs on gasoline, then the BCN is turned on the entire time the engine is running.